Why I Love Twitter!
I am an information junkie. Infatuation with ideas is what keeps my heart beating. I also love humor. Make me laugh - deep down from the gut, side splitting, face cracking jocularity - and I'm yours forever (probably). Thanks to Twitter, I find myself constantly amused. Sort of like a 20 something male visiting a nude beach for the first time. Concurrently titillated, aroused, curious and mortified.
Some of the gems I've been exposed to, just today, follow...
- Occupational Hazards by Jonathan Segura: An Ex-Girlfriend’s Review
- Kindle Publishing for Blogs: A Double-Edged Sword for Bookish Bloggers?
- Lessons in Motherhood by Joyce A. Anthony
I love Twitter because it's a never ending source of things that make me go "hmmmmmm". Once upon a time, I thought about starting a blog called Did You Ever Wonder? Twitter did this for me, in 140 characters or less. Now, that's MAGIC!
So, Twitter, heart it or hate it? And tell me why, please.