Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Book Review - The Trouble With Boys by Peg Tyre

The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School, and What Parents and Educators Must Do
Peg Tyre
ISBN # 978-0307381286

"Is your smart, capable son starting to struggle in school? When he talks about his lessons does he seem bored, disengaged or fearful? Or do you just have an uneasy sense that he's falling out of love with learning? A great many parents from all walks of life are noticing the same thing. They're wondering exactly what is going on. Has something changed about our boys, their schools or our culture that is making it hard for young males to succeed? I've spent the last 18 months asking educators, psychologists, historians, social scientists, doctors, boys and their parents those exact questions. And the answers I've come up with might surprise you. If you have a son who is not thriving in school and you care deeply about his education and his future, I've written this book for you."
- Peg Tyre

I am raising three healthy, vibrant, active, boisterous bright sons - ages 17, 11 and 6. Without exception, they have all experienced ongoing issues with school. Not one of them enjoys homework. Each of them struggles with spelling. They have a hard time with organization and getting their assignments in on time.

We (my husband and I) read to them and with them. Our house is full of books. We all love music and words. Each boy has a vocabulary well beyond their grade level. We don't watch a lot of television, we limit their time playing video games, and we spend as much time as possible doing outdoor things - gardening, hiking, playing ball, fishing.

I've thought for years that boys have a more difficult time in a structured school setting than girls. My only daughter (19) was an excellent student. She learned quickly, enjoyed school, participated in extra-curricular activities and graduated High School with a solid B average.

Peg Tyre, through her thorough and comprehensive research, has written a book that explains some of the whys and hows of boys' current struggles to attain a solid education. In reading it, I found myself nodding and saying "Ah hah!" If your son(s) are falling behind or seem lackluster about attending school, this is the book you need to read!
(September 2008, pp 320, $24.95)

If you'd like to see a video of Peg Tyre talking about her book, please click here -

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