Thursday, March 13, 2008

Review - One Love for Liv by Marianne Arkins

One Love for Liv
Marianne Arkins
Samhain Publishing
ISBN # 1-59998-325-7

"Olivia “Liv” Leigh, wealthy socialite and spa owner, suspects her fiancé of cheating on her. Drastic steps are required to discover whether appearances are deceiving. And if those steps require a bit of stalking, a change of appearance, a hippo-sized dog named Spike, and sacrificing her manicure to clean house for a sexy-but-sloppy man whose neighbor is determined to break several of the strangest Guinness world records, why should that be a problem?"

One Love for Liv is a fun romp to read - the kind of book you take with you on vacation. The writing is clean and the story flows. It was almost a guilty pleasure for me, like the extra dark chocolates I have stashed (hidden) in my kitchen cabinet.
(February 2008, pp 177, $4.50)

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