Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Interview - Judi Romeo author of You Are More Than Enough Achievement Journal

Today's 5 Q&A is with Judi Moreo, author of You Are More Than Enough Achievement Journal

1.) Who are you?
President of Turning Point International, a training and development company with offices in Las Vegas, Nevada and Johannesburg, South Africa. She is a sought after keynote speaker at corporate seminars, leadership conferences, and conventions.

Author of seven books, the most recent being "You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman's Guide to Purpose, Passion and Power" and it's companion "Achievement Journal"

I have two Burmese cats that are terribly spoiled, Shotsie and Brut.

2.) What was your childhood dream (that's where dreams begin, right) ?
I dreamed of becoming a model and/or a journalist. They both came true.

3.) What is your favorite success story out of all the people you've worked with?
There are so many. I guess my all time favorite is my friend, Fiona. I met her many years ago, when she was in my audience in South Africa. She was a refugee from Rhodesia and had just come to South Africa. She sat in the audience and hung on my every word. Afterward she came up and introduced herself to me and told me her story of leaving Rhodesia with her two babies and working at a job while educating herself. She asked if I would send her a book from America, which I did. Our paths did not cross again for five years. When I moved to South Africa, we became friends. Then I encouraged her to join Toastmasters which she did. She encouraged me to start a training company. We became business partners. She found out she had cancer and fought that battle for a couple of years. Today she is a motivational speaker, author, and has two very successful grown sons. She also lives in America and is studying to become a citizen.

4.) What is/was your biggest fear?
My biggest fear was to fly over the ocean, but now that I've done it so many times, it doesn't bother me any more. I've always forced myself to do what I feared.

5.) What's next?
Another book. This one is for men and women both. And for a hobby, photography!

Thanks so much, Judi!


thewriterslife said...

Great interview, ladies! I love this part..."She found out she had cancer and fought that battle for a couple of years. Today she is a motivational speaker, author, and has two very successful grown sons. She also lives in America and is studying to become a citizen."

Judi, you're an angel.

Cheryl said...

Great interview ladies. Judi truly is an inspiration to every woman who wants to succeed. I think Judi mentions Fiona in her book, "You Are More Than Enough"--one of the best books I've ever read.

Keep up the great work!
