Friday, August 3, 2007


Yesterday was a little odd. I spent most of the day using whatever means were available ascertaining the safety of people I know. When there is a huge disaster in the world I tend to be a wee bit compulsive about watching the news. Not so much this time, the I-35 bridge collapse was way too close to home for me.

I was more patient and tactile with my children. When my youngest woke up, I snuggled him a little closer and a little longer. When my daughter was home, I took the time to really look at her. She's damn close to being a woman now. I see lots of me in her, but I see much more of her in her. I let my sons have friends over to play, less concerned about the noise level than usual.

A book arrived in the mail that I hadn't directly requested. The author would like me to read and review it here. I sat down to read, thinking it would be an escape for a little while. I was crying less than a third of the way through it. It's a beautiful story and resonated deeply with me. I'll be posting the review on August 13th.

August 2nd was a day of reflection for me. A day of feeling grateful for all I have, and all that is to come.

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