Monday, May 19, 2008

Review - The 7 Triggers to Yes: The New Science Behind Influencing People's Decisions by Russell H. Granger

The 7 Triggers to Yes: The New Science Behind Influencing People's Decisions
Russell H. Granger
ISBN # 978-0071544375

"Everybody knows that the best way to persuade people to reach the “Yes” response is by using logic and reason, right? Wrong. According to the latest research in neuroscience, most people respond to emotional cues rather than rational ones. Instead of using facts and figures to persuade, you should be tapping into the brain’s internal triggers for making decisions. With the new technology of realtime brain imaging, scientists have been able to pinpoint seven of these emotional triggers.

Activating one or more of the other person’s triggers will make you a master persuader in every aspect of your life. You’ll learn how to motivate a “Yes” response from clients, coworkers, employees, and entire organizations."

This book was brought to my attention a couple of months ago. I made a point of asking about it at Barnes and Noble and bought the only copy available in the store. If you're a psychology buff and interested in how human dynamics work, buy this book. Not only is it enlightening, but it's also entertaining. There's a great story about Bill Gates that made me laugh out loud.
(December 17, 2007, pp 240, $24.95)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually got to ready part of this one while waiting in a bookstore for my friend. I found it very interesting.

Also nice touch using a scan of the book's cover in the review. I like that, something I do to. I have commented on others who don't go the trouble.
