Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It's an inevitable fact, if you're a writer, and you submit your work, you will receive some rejections. They may come as a form letter, a form letter with a personal response, a personal response, or via email. To corrupt a famous quotation, "It is far better to have submitted and lost, than never to have submitted at all", and here's why.

Submissions, accepted or not, get your name in front of the editor. The next time you send something, they may remember your name. One of the biggest reasons editors have to turn down queries is that they've recently run something just like it. So, keep querying, something will eventually "stick".

Pay attention if you're lucky enough to receive a personal response. You'll gain insight as to what the editor is looking for, and there may be a comment to make you smile - something along the lines of "We can't use your piece right now, but it's really good, send us more."

I framed my first rejection and hung it on my office wall to remind me that I am now a working writer.

1 comment:

Doctor Rick said...

Hello fellow writer. I can relate to the rejection thing. After pouring out my heart and soul into a literary creation, it met it's demise at the hands of rejection letters. My interest in writing waned -- until I chose a different tactic. Now, I'm writing a novel that meets contemporary interests and is, hopefully, marketable. Time will tell if I succeed.